
Awards & Recognition

The Awards and Recognition Committee is the primary contact for everything Awards and Recognition related. Responsibilities include: being a clearinghouse for Awards and recognition ideas and best practices; researching external award and external grant opportunities; managing AT&T Pioneers Awards Programs.


The Communications Committee role is to deal with all issues related to communications and to promote and strengthen public awareness of the Pioneers. Responsibilities include; managing the AT&T Pioneers web site, creating and distributing communication pieces to Pioneer leadership, provide assistance to chapters and their use of the CDC communication tool and to promote the AT&T Pioneer Facebook page.

Membership Technology & Recruitment

The role of this committee is to address all the issues related to PALS, Volunteer Now and Membership Recruitment. Responsibilities include; encourage consistent reporting of hours, serve as a resource to discuss concerns and conflicts and to provide technical support to AT&T Pioneer end users. RECRUITMENT, RETENTION and REPORTING.

Projects & Programs

This committee is the primary contact for everything Project and Program related. Responsibilities include; being a clearinghouse for project and programs best practices and ideas; reviewing suggestions that come in from internal and external sources; and identifying projects and programs conducted locally for potential national expansion and being the point of contact for such programs.

Special Issues & Governance

The role of this committee is to assist Pioneer Chapters, National Board, National Committees, Telecom Pioneers and AT&T ( Staff) in interpreting our bylaws, enforcing Rules of Operation serve as OP140 subject  matter experts, help resolve governance conflicts and addressing special issues that may arise.


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