Alabama Partners With Lakeshore Foundation to Serve Vets

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AT&T Pioneers from across Alabama gathered in Wilsonville, AL, at the Adaptive Aquatics facilities to fellowship with and cook lunch for Wounded Soldiers and their children, in partnership with the Lakeshore Foundation.  We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for Injured Military Veterans in the beautiful setting on Lay Lake.   Pioneers served over 100 plates of burgers, hot dogs, homemade slaw, chips and drinks.

Adaptive Aquatics is a 501c-3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the introduction, teaching and advancement of adapted watersports for disAbled Children, disAbled Adults and Wounded Warrior Veterans.

Oper Foxtrot1 Oper Foxtrot2 Oper Foxtrot3(There were 19 AT&T Pioneers who joined together to volunteer to serve our Nations Hero’s, the most we’ve had for this annual event.)

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