Uspiritus Spotlights the AT&T Pioneers

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-Article from Uspiritus 2014 Annual Report

AT&T has been in partnership with Uspiritus since 2013 and has proven a great “go-to” group. Whatever the need, AT&T volunteers – the AT&T Pioneers* – are willing to jump in and help make Uspiritus a home for our kids.

Volunteers from AT&T made at least a dozen visits to Uspiritus during Fiscal Year 2014, completing a number of projects. Among them were cleaning cottages, building raised planting beds, donating and building shelves for the donation area, hosting an all-campus party for residents on the Brooklawn campus, volunteering at the Back to School Bash, wrapping gifts at the Santa Shop (where residents “purchase” gifts for family members and other special people) and volunteering at the golf scramble.

AT&T volunteers have also supported Uspiritus by sponsoring children for Christmas presents and organizing donation drives at other times of the year.

Uspiritus is also grateful for the grant funding from AT&T Kentucky, which has provided generous support for our residential programs, the Independent Living program at Willis Cottage and sponsorship of the 2014 Thanksgiving dinner for more than 400 Bellewood and Brooklawn residents, staff and supporters. Uspiritus depends greatly on its volunteers, and AT&T is an outstanding example of an organization whose staff and management give generously of their time and talents.

*AT&T Pioneers is part of the Pioneers, the world’s largest industry-related volunteer organization. All
members of the AT&T Pioneers are currently employed by or retired from AT&T.

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